Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Education

2 Year Program
The course is of two academic years commencing in June / July. The medium of instruction is English. The course is under non-semester system. The students are trained in observation of classes, practicing micro teaching and class room teaching, conducing of citizenship training, communication skill, self-motivation, positive thinking and empowerment.

B.Ed. - First Year

Course Content

The program consists of both theory and practical components. The theory part consists of 3 core papers, 1 elective and 2 optional.

Curriculum Framework 

Group A

Theory Components
Group - A
Course CodeName of the CourseInternal MarkExternal MarkTotal Mark
FBCAChildhood and Growing Up3070100
FBCBContemporary India and Education3070100
FBCCLearning and Teaching3070100
FBCDLanguage Across the Curriculum153550
FBCEUnderstanding Disciplines and Subjects153550
FBCFGender, School and Society153550

Pedagogy of a School Subject: Part - I – Methodology

Group – B

Course CodeName of the CourseInternal MarkExternal MarkTotal Mark
FBTAதமிழ் கற்பித்தல்1535 50
FBENPedagogy of English
FBURPedagogy of Urdu
FBMAPedagogy of Mathematics
FBPSPedagogy of Physical Science
FBBSPedagogy of Biological Science
FBHIPedagogy of History
FBGEPedagogy of Geography
FBCSPedagogy of Computer Science
FBECPedagogy of Economics
FBCMPedagogy of Commerce and Accountancy
FBHSPedagogy of Home Science
FBSSPedagogy of Social Science
Grand Total (300 +50=350)350


* The Pedagogy of Social Science is mandatory for the Student teachers who have studied the following main subjects.
1. Philosophy
2. Psychology
3. Sociology
4. Logic &
5. Political Science

B.Ed. - Second Year

Course Content

B.Ed., Second Year: Details of Theory Courses & Practical Components

Curriculum Framework 

Group A

Theory Components
Group - A
Course CodeName of the CourseInternal MarkExternal MarkTotal Mark
SBCAKnowledge and Curriculum3070100
SBCCCreating an Inclusive School153550
SBOAYoga, Health and Physical Education153550
SBOBEnvironmental Education
SBOCValues and Peace Education
SBCBAssessment for Learning3070100

Pedagogy of a School Subject : Part –II (Content Mastery)

Group – B

Course CodeName of the CourseInternal MarkExternal MarkTotal Mark
SBTAதமிழ் கற்பித்தல்1535 50
FBENPedagogy of English
SBENPedagogy of Urdu
SBMAPedagogy of Mathematics
SBPSPedagogy of Physical Science
SBBSPedagogy of Biological Science
SBHIPedagogy of History
SBGEPedagogy of Geography
SBCSPedagogy of Computer Science
SBECPedagogy of Economics
SBCMPedagogy of Commerce and Accountancy
SBHSPedagogy of Home Science
SBSSPedagogy of Social Science
Grand Total (300 +50=350)350

Passing Criteria

85% attendance is compulsory for submission of application to appear in the University Examinations.
The B.Ed., candidates must secure not less than 50% marks in each of the nine theory papers in First Year and Four Theory Papers in second year with a minimum of 45% in the external examinations in each paper. Similarly, every candidate must secure not less than 50% in each of the practical activities for which weight age is given, to pass in practical examinations.
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